The Last Post

The view from Nead an Iollair

The view from Nead an Iolair

The time has come to say goodbye to West Cork. Yes, it really has been six months, and we leave next Thursday.

But here’s the thing. If it isn’t obvious how much we have enjoyed it here, then let us spell it out – we have LOVED our time here, in Ballydehob, in West Cork, and in Ard Glas.

In fact we have loved it so much that we are buying a house! It’s the perfect house for us, with views across our beloved Roaringwater Bay, and lots of room for entertaining family and friends. We intend to call the house ‘Nead an Iolair’ – it’s pronounced Nad on Uller, and it means Eagle’s Nest. We will return this summer, although we don’t have an exact date. We plan to resume the blog when we return, although perhaps with some differences. At the very least our sub-title, Six Months in West Cork, will be changing. If you haven’t yet clicked the “Follow” button and left your email address, do it now – that way you will be notified when the blog starts up again.

Peaceful Harbour, West Cork

Peaceful Harbour, West Cork

And so, dear reader, we have a couple of questions for you. Even if you’ve been shy about commenting in the past, make an exception now and tell us –

Which posts, or which kinds of posts, have you most enjoyed?

What do you want us to write about that we haven’t yet covered?

And now, until we meet again…

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

And may you be in heaven half an hour

Before the Divil knows you’re dead.

Finola and Robert

Another Day in Paradise

Another Day in Paradise

21 thoughts

  1. I’ve loved reading your many and varied blogs.
    Perhaps one which really struck a chord was ‘Mary, Mary’ by Finola
    where in a flash I was whisked back to my 7 year old self at Primary School.

    There I was, walking along in a sedate procession singing –
    ‘Oh Mary we crown thee with blossoms today…’

    Had I remembered the tune correctly after all these years ?

    A quick Google search confirmed that I had !



  2. Finola and Robert, I’m a traveller in many ways–armchair being a big part of my journeys–that I’ve most certainly loved your blog posts! I’ve learned much that is new and sometimes followed up on something of special interest to me, and while I’ve never been to Ireland I’ve been pleasantly, sometimes surprisingly reminded of my own reading and experiences. I very much look forward to seeing you in Canada but am glad to know the blog will continue!


  3. where to start? the rock art? awesome. the anthropology was nicely observed and brought back the impressions we had when we were there. the stories of the music and photos were lovely. and the photos of the scenery, stunning. no wonder that you guys are buying a place there. so gracious of you to invite us, would be there in a flash if i could muster up the electricity. reading the journal was being taken on a very special journey into the heart of a place and finding a wonderful resolution. congrats kids, all love, see yous soon, jo and eric xxx


  4. I have Loved your blog ! Why visit when I have such awesome tour guides!! It’s as though I’m there. Can’t wait to see you both…oh by the way there will be a wedding July 14th. We do hope you both can be here. Much love James & Larry


  5. We’ll miss these post so much, but looking forward to seeing you in FSJ soon….AND to following the 2nd edition of these wonderful articles when you return to Ireland next summer.

    Which ones did I like best???? It’s impossible to pick out any I didn’t enjoy. The combination of the historical and archeological info with the news of “a day in the life” (your experiences and those of people you met along the way) have been so interesting and so much fun. It all kept me thinking that you were really making the most of every day and I’m not surprised that you’re buying a house there.

    Love and hugs,



  6. Dear Finola and Robert. I have loved every one of your fabulously interesting blogs. Of course anything about Ireland facinates me. Your blogs made me feel that I was right there with you. You are both marvelous writers.


  7. All of them! The history, geography (archeology), local color, and personal aspects … and the pictures were wonderful to give vision to the words.


  8. The rock art ones were amazing! Or particularly amazing. Delighted ye are buying a house but sad it is so far from dublin!, love yvonne


  9. I’ve enjoyed them all – the variety is always stimulating. The photos of unusual Irish ‘objects’ and scenes were great fun so more of these would be welcome.

    Personally, I’d like to hear more of your thoughts about the rock art…I asked how easy/difficult it is to make some of the marks but have not had a reply yet !

    Be great to see you both again in Chagford where we have just finished a wonderful
    weekend of CHAGWORD – our first literature festival.


    • Hi Perran
      Thanks for your comments. Sorry about the non-response – I thought Robert was responding and he thought I was! The carvings were picked out using stone tools. Each pick mark would have been effortful, I think. I see some evidence that some of the grooves were smoothed after being picked. Most of the concentric circles are quite well aligned – that is, they are truly concentric, so would have been drawn on the rock beforehand. All this means that it would have been quite a lot of work to do even one cup and ring mark, let aline several. It may have taken days, or weeks, or days on consecutive years perhaps, to do some of the more elaborate panels. So – not just doodling!


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